Instructional Leadership Coaching

After classroom instruction, instructional leadership is the second most crucial factor impacting student achievement and outcomes in schools. 

Our Instructional Leadership coaching is designed to ensure that schools are equipped to see a dramatic improvement in the teaching and learning in their building. We know this is best achieved through the development of school leaders and coaches.

Our Instructional Leadership coaches directly coach principals, teacher coaches, assistant principals, and others who are directly responsible for the growth and development of teachers and instruction in their school or network.  Instructional leaders will walk away with:

  • A deep and nuanced understanding of the Skyrocket Teacher Coaching Framework 
  • How to collect and utilize meaningful classroom and school-wide data
  • Setting and monitoring teacher goals through high accountability and equally high support 
  • Developing and implementing teacher coaching plans 
  • Leading praxis-changing coaching meetings and using real-time coaching to impact teaching and learning immediately
  • Building and sustaining positive classroom culture through equitable and inclusive norms, classroom systems, and routines
  • Increasing deep student engagement, rigor, and cognitive load through lesson flow, pacing, and teacher intellectual preparation


Reach out to us and learn how to bring Skyrocket to your school


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