Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

In order for leaders to catalyze social change and improve life outcomes in their community, it is necessary to engage in constant learning about race, class, power, and privilege. LiberatED has been partnering with K-12 schools, universities, and non-profit organizations for over 6 years, joining leaders and their teams on a journey of transformative learning. The result: more conscious, inclusive leaders and improved organizational outcomes. LiberatED is dedicated to building the critical consciousness of education and nonprofit leaders. We create empowering learning environments around race, class, power, and privilege. Working from the foundation of Culturally Relevant and Anti-Racist pedagogy, we create tailored development based on dignity, relationships, and meeting the needs of organizations and its stakeholders.

  • Antiracist/ Anti - Based Workshop Design and Facilitation
  • 1:1 and Group Equity Coaching 
  • Identity development and race based affinity space facilitation
  • Culturally responsive training and curriculum support
  • Strategic planning support and consultation
  • Capacity building training for diversity, equity and inclusion (Staff and Leaders)

(All services are customizable)

Contact Us Now for Pricing and Availability!

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